In many cases, the Presto Assistant system expects data to be certain values. The following information can help when importing data into Presto.
Please review this support article titled "Import Student Data” for more information about the process of getting large amounts of data into Presto Assistant.
Your Organization’s Types
Check “Option 2” in the student import dialog pictured below for your organization’s allowed data. You might have Dynamic Fields in addition to the required and optional fields. The sections below provide more details on all data types.

Presto Student Data Types
- Email — student email address
- Must be a valid email address
- Suggested: use the school district student email address
- First Name — student first name
- Text
- Minimum length: 2 characters
- Maximum length: 50 characters
- Last Name — student last name
- Text
- Minimum length: 2 characters
- Maximum length: 50 characters
- Middle Name
- Text
- Minimum length: 2 characters
- Maximum length: 50 characters
- Address One
- Address Two
- Text
- Minimum length: 2 characters
- Maximum length: 50 characters
- City
- Text
- Minimum length: 2 characters
- Maximum length: 255 characters
- Date Of Birth
- Date formatted like MM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY, e.g.
- Student age must be at least 4 years and at most 18 years old
- Phone Number — student phone number
- 10 digits for a US phone number — without the country code — formatting optional
- Zipcode
- 5-digits like
or ZIP+4 like 75044-1234